Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - WINS

October 2019

The WINS Seminar returns on October 28th, 2019.

The new seminar series for the winter semester 2019/2020 begins October 28th and deals with the topic, "Tackling the Climate Crisis."

Please click here for more information.

April 2019

The WINS Seminar returns on April 15th, 2019.

The new seminar series for the summer semester 2019 begins April 15th and deals with the topic, "Looking to the Future: Environmental Governance in the 21st Century."

Please click here for more information.


November 2018

The 4th CWINS International Symposium has been held successfully in Hangzhou: From Nov. 10 to Nov. 11, 2018, the 4th CWINS International Symposium on Governing Natural Resources, Global Strategies and Governance Innovations, sponsored by the CWINS (China Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social Ecological Systems) and the WINS (Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems), has been held successfully in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.

Please click here for more information


October 2018

The WINS Seminar returns on October 8, 2018

Five presentations will take place during the Winter Semester 2018/2019.

Please click here for more information 


November 2017

The Third C-WINS Workshop was held in Hangzhou

Nearly 150 experts and scholars devoted to the study on land and natural resources took part of it. They conducted in-depth exchanges on natural resource reform from the fields of economics, management, politics, law and sociology. 2nd - 4th of November, 2017.

Please click here for more information 


September 2017

WINS Autumn Course for Chinese Master Student Participants, 24.09-01.10.2017 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institutional analysis in the European Policy Context: Revisiting theory and practice

CWINS workshop has become an important part of WINS since 2015. It has been designed to deliver knowledge of institutional analysis from institutional economics and political economy perspectives, and theories associated to environmental governance to Chinese participants. It provides a platform for young scholars, practitioners and local officials to get acquainted with policy making in nature-related sectors in the Germany and the EU contexts.


March 2017

WINS Special Seminar, March 16, 2017, 3-5pm, Friedrichstr. 191, 10117 Berlin, 4th floor, 4088

Many megacities such as Mexico City will experience in the coming decades an amplification of the existing challenges of water governance due to climatic change and further urbanization. As part of a large research project ( we are developing an agent-based model of the water governance in Mexico City. The model focuses on the interplay between neighborhoods and the central water authority which has to make decisions on investment in new infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance. The objective of the model is to understand how the vulnerability of an urban environment subjected to water related hazardous events is influenced by the decision making process of a central authority that manage water related infrastructure. The feedback by the neighborhoods to government decisions are included and provide a way to capture the effectiveness of policies.


November 2016

Prof. David Barkin has received the 2016 CROP International Studies in Poverty Prize

David Barkin has received the 2016 CROP International Studies in Poverty Prize, to support his preparation of the book "Food Sovereignty as a Strategy for confronting poverty and inequality", which was selected as one of two winners.  The manuscript is slated to be included in the Zed-CROP book series and preparations are supported with a generous grant.  The selection committee has praised the David's submission, stating that it envisions a very important and topical project of community-based action that challenges mainstream approaches to social welfare.  Working on this book will be one of David's main activities during his springtime visit to WINS in 2017 and he is hoping that some students and staff with IRI THESys can join him in this work!


Film Viewing: Embrace of the Serpent, 25 November 2016

A special one night only viewing of the critically acclaimed film.

[19:00 hrs| doors open at 18:30 hr]

Unten den Linden 6, Kinosaal - Audimax [Humboldt Universität zu Berlin]

The viewing will be followed by an academic discussion, introduced with comments from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Georg Forster Award winning Prof. David Barkin, in which we aim to explore the film's contributions toward the development of a post-colonial aesthetic of peace and prosperity.

Please click here for more information

October 2016

The Second C-WINS Workshop was held in Hangzhou: Experts from both home and abroad took part in the workshop, as well as some government leaders in China. Songlin Liu, the assistant principle of Zhejiang University, Xiaohong Xia, deputy director of the Department of Land and Resources of Zhejiang Province, Xianyu Zhang, deputy director of Shanghai Bureau of State Land Supervision, Cifang Wu, dean of Land Academy for National Development, together with Prof. Volker Beckmann and Prof. Rong Tan attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches...,  October 28 - 29, 2016

Please click here for more information 


Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological-Technical Systems (SETS)

This course addresses Master and PhD students. In addition, Bachelor students with an interest in proceeding to Master studies may attend the course. Participants who do not intend to take the exam and to earn credits are also welcome to participate. The course offers lectures, group work and participation in the WINS Seminar

Please click here for more information 

August 2016

"Wo wuchsen wir nach? / Where are we growing?"

The event aims advance debate and dialogue regarding the methodological and practical career developmant challenges and opportunities that accompany increasing interest in and scientific activity concerning the field of sustainability science. It is a student driven initiative supported by WINS, and convented on behalf of early career stage reesearches sustainability science from across Germany and across the world.

Please click here for more information
May 2016

Special one-day WINS Symposium: convened by the Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems, in collaboration with the Division of Resource Economics of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Economics Department of the Universidad Libre in Pereira, Colombia Institutions of Sustainability as a Framework to Handle Resource Conflicts,  May 4, 2016

Please click here for more information 

January 2016

Central Asian Workshop: Persistence and Change of Institutions in Natural Resources Managementin Central Asian context,  January 26 - 29, 2016

Please click here for more information 

December 2015

WINS in China: International Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological System·China (C-WINS) & the Inauguration Ceremony for C-WINS held in Zhejiang University of China,  November 27 - 29, 2015

Please click here for more information 

September 2015

WINS Summer Course: Introduction to Institutional analysis in the European Policy Context - Theory and practice,  31.08-04.09.2015

Why environmental policy does not progress as quickly as sometimes desired?

July - August 2015


Presentations on Natural Resources Management, IRI THESys and WINS invite to joint presentations on Natural Resources Management, featuring Diana Lucia Maya Velez from Colombia as special guest and keynote speaker, July 16, 2015, Berlin

Please click here for more information 


WINS organises the event "Governing the Anthropocene: Cyber-systemic Possibilities" that is being held at Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover Germany, on the 30th and 31st July 2015, just before the ISSS conference in Berlin. Attendance at this event is by invitation only; funding support for this event has been secured from the Volkswagen Stiftung (Foundation) through collaboration with WINS.


PhD Course: Systems Thinking and Practice in PhD Research: Cybersystemic Possibilities for Governing the Anthropocene, July 30 - August 07, 2015, Herrenhausen and Berlin

Please click here for more information

May 2015

NAREMACA und InDeCA in Tashkent, 18.-22. Mai 2015

Der 'Policy Dialogue' und der 'Academic Workshop' wurden erfolgreich ...

October 2014

WINS-India Seminar, October 20, 2014, Indian Embassy, Berlin

Please click here for more information

September 2014

Water-Governance Conference MENA, September 28-29, 2014, German Jordanian University

Please click here for the program

July 2014

Inception Workshop, July 14-16, 2014 at Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin

Please click here for more information